Interface BasePointSymbolizer

A PointSymbolizer describes the style representation of POINT data.

interface BasePointSymbolizer {
    avoidEdges?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction;
    color?: string | GeoStylerStringFunction;
    kind: SymbolizerKind;
    offset?: [number | GeoStylerNumberFunction, number | GeoStylerNumberFunction];
    offsetAnchor?: "map" | GeoStylerStringFunction | "viewport";
    opacity?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    visibility?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction;

Hierarchy (view full)


avoidEdges?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction

This is a property relevant if using tiled datasets. If true, the symbols will not cross tile edges to avoid mutual collisions.

color?: string | GeoStylerStringFunction

A color defined as a hex-color string.

Describes the type of the kind of the Symbolizer.

offset?: [number | GeoStylerNumberFunction, number | GeoStylerNumberFunction]

The offset of the Symbolizer as [x, y] coordinates. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up.

offsetAnchor?: "map" | GeoStylerStringFunction | "viewport"
opacity?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction

Determines the total opacity for the Symbolizer. A value between 0 and 1. 0 is none opaque and 1 is full opaque.

visibility?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction

Defines whether the Symbolizer should be visibile or not.