Interface FillSymbolizer

A FillSymbolizer describes the style representation of POLYGON data.



antialias?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction

Whether the fill should be antialiased or not .

color?: string | GeoStylerStringFunction

A color defined as a hex-color string.

fillOpacity?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction

The opacity of the fill. A value between 0 and 1. 0 is none opaque and 1 is full opaque.

graphicFill?: PointSymbolizer

Renders the fill of the polygon with a repeated pattern of PointSymbolizer.

kind: "Fill"

Describes the type of the kind of the Symbolizer.

opacity?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction

Determines the total opacity for the Symbolizer. A value between 0 and 1. 0 is none opaque and 1 is full opaque.

outlineCap?: "square" | "butt" | "round" | GeoStylerStringFunction

The Captype for the outLine.

outlineColor?: string | GeoStylerStringFunction

The outline color as a hex-color string. Matches the value of fill-color if unspecified.

outlineDasharray?: (number | GeoStylerNumberFunction)[]

Encodes a dash pattern as an array of numbers. Odd-indexed numbers (first, third, etc) determine the length in pixels to draw the line, and even-indexed numbers (second, fourth, etc) determine the length in pixels to blank out the line. Default is an unbroken line.

outlineJoin?: "round" | "bevel" | "miter" | GeoStylerStringFunction

The JoinType for the outLine.

outlineOpacity?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction

The opacity of the outline. A value between 0 and 1. 0 is none opaque and 1 is full opaque.

outlineWidth?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction

The outline width (pixels if outlineWidthUnit is not defined).

outlineWidthUnit?: DistanceUnit

Unit to use for the outlineWidth.

visibility?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction

Defines whether the Symbolizer should be visibile or not.

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