Interface RasterSymbolizer

A RasterSymbolizer defines the style representation of RASTER data.

interface RasterSymbolizer {
    brightnessMax?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    brightnessMin?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    channelSelection?: ChannelSelection;
    colorMap?: ColorMap;
    contrast?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    contrastEnhancement?: ContrastEnhancement;
    fadeDuration?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    hueRotate?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    kind: "Raster";
    opacity?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    resampling?: "linear" | "nearest" | GeoStylerStringFunction;
    saturation?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction;
    visibility?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction;


brightnessMax?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction
brightnessMin?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction
channelSelection?: ChannelSelection

Specifies how dataset bands are mapped to image color channels.

colorMap?: ColorMap

Defines the color values for the pixels of a raster image, as either color gradients, or a mapping of specific values to fixed colors.

contrast?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction
contrastEnhancement?: ContrastEnhancement

Can be used to adjust the relative brightness of the image data.

fadeDuration?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction
hueRotate?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction
kind: "Raster"
opacity?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction

Determines the total opacity for the Symbolizer. A value between 0 and 1. 0 is none opaque and 1 is fully opaque.

resampling?: "linear" | "nearest" | GeoStylerStringFunction
saturation?: number | GeoStylerNumberFunction
visibility?: boolean | GeoStylerBooleanFunction

Defines whether the Symbolizer should be visible or not.